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Welcome to Bryan.A's Math Analysis Blog

Anything you need to learn about math analysis

Friday, December 6, 2013

SP#6 Unit K Concept 10

One thing to pay attention is your summation notation if you can set up your summation notation it should be easy to plug in your formula. Also remember at the end to add 3. Have fun!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

SP#5 Unit J Concept 6

An important thing to pay attention is your factoring and foiling. Also it would help to highlight common terms. You must group common terms or else it will be wrong. Have fun!

SP#4 Unit J Concept 5

In this student problem you need to pay attention to many things. Make sure that when you get your first answer you are only half way done, you still need to decompose. One other thing is make sure that you are factoring and foiling correctly because if you mess up in then beginning it's going to be wrong. Have fun!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

SV#5 Unit I Concept 3-4 (Solving matrices)

The things you have to pay special attention are you triangle zeros and your stair step ones. Make sure that once you solve the matrice to plug in answers your not just finished once you get your zeroes and 1's.

Friday, November 1, 2013

SV#4 Unit I Concept 1 (Graphing exponential equations)


some things you need to pay attention is how to find the asymptote. Remember that for exponential equations asymptote is y=k. also, when you want to find the x or y intercept you set the oppostite to 0.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

SP#3 Unit I Concept 1 ( exponential graphs)

Something you need to pay attention in this problem is that there is no x intercept. The "a" is negative so the graph will be under the asymptote. Also remember that when you plug it in to the calculator it will sometimes not look right but remember that it goes to Infiniti.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

SV#3 Unit H Concept 7 (Finding Logs Using Approximations)

The parts that may be tricky in this problem is factoring the numbers. Make sure that you divide the numerator by 90 x 16 instead of 144 x 10 or some other factor. Also, you need to remember what the hidden clues are because you will use them.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

SV #2 Unit G Concepts 1-7 (Finding asymptotes)

This problem is about finding all asymptotes in an equation. we also have find y and x values, aswell as domain and holes.
You need to pay special attention in finding the slany asymptote because it is easy to get confused with long division, also remember to plug in the opposite value to find an x or y value.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


This problem is about finding the zeroes of a polynomial equation.Youcan find the p's and q's of a function by the leading coefficient (q) and the last coefficient (p). you can find the possible positive and negative zeroes by using decartes rules of signs.

One of the things to pay close attention to is setting the factor when you find a zero. for example, if your zero is +1 then your factor is (x-1).

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

SP# 2: Unit E Concept 7: Graphing Polynomials Using Zeroes with Multiplicities, Y-intercept, and End Behavior

In this student problem you will learn how to graph a fourth degree polynomial in standard form. First you need to factor out the equation. Once you have the factors you must find the zeroes or the x-intercepts. If a zeroes has a multiplicity of two then it will bounce on the point, if it has a multiplicity of one, it will go through. The coefficient in this graph has a positive coefficient and an even exponent. So the need behaviors will both be +infinity.
You need to pay careful attention to the multiplicities to graph the equation correctly. If the multiplicity is one, then the graph goes through the x-axis. However if the multiplicity is two, then the graph bounces off the x-axis. Also you need to pay attention to the leading coefficient to find the end behavior.


Monday, September 9, 2013

WPP#3 Unit E Concept 2

SP# 1: Unit E Concept 1: Graphing Quadratic Formulas

      • What is this problem about?
        This problem shows how to graph a quadratic function. It shows the directions to graph and solve the equation.
      • What does the viewer need to pay special attention to?
      • The viewer needs to pay attention to the text and the boxes in this picture. The text and boxes are in different colors so it is easy to tell where one step ends and another begins. The viewer should also pay attention to the lines that connect things.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

About Me

Well, my name is Bryan. I live in the beautiful state of California with my mom dad and sister. As a person I think I am dedicated and passionate to my interests, but at the same time I definitely like to enjoy life and have fun. Some of my interests are food, cars, sports and technology. Speaking of sports I have been playing water polo for two years and swimming for 7!

          As a student, I try my best, but I will admit I am a bit of a procrastinator, however I do get stuff done sometimes at the last second but it gets done. One of my favorite classes is history because you get to learn about events in the past that make up today. I also enjoy science because it teaches us all of the things around us, and because we do a lot of hands on learning and that is my favorite way to learn. Math is definitely not one of my strongest classes but I’m going to stay positive and try my best this year to succeed.