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Welcome to Bryan.A's Math Analysis Blog

Anything you need to learn about math analysis

Friday, December 6, 2013

SP#6 Unit K Concept 10

One thing to pay attention is your summation notation if you can set up your summation notation it should be easy to plug in your formula. Also remember at the end to add 3. Have fun!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

SP#5 Unit J Concept 6

An important thing to pay attention is your factoring and foiling. Also it would help to highlight common terms. You must group common terms or else it will be wrong. Have fun!

SP#4 Unit J Concept 5

In this student problem you need to pay attention to many things. Make sure that when you get your first answer you are only half way done, you still need to decompose. One other thing is make sure that you are factoring and foiling correctly because if you mess up in then beginning it's going to be wrong. Have fun!